Winning the Page Speed Race: How to Upgrade Your Old Website to a Race Car

Winning the Page Speed Race: How to Upgrade Your Old Website to a Race Car

Google embarked on a quest to convince website owners to make

Their sites load quicker in 2009 when it issued a call to arms to “make the web faster.”

To motivate website owners to care about this, Google stated in 2010 that site

Performance will be a consideration in

its desktop (non-mobile) search engine ranking algorithms.

This meant that websites that loaded rapidly would have an SEO advantage over competitors.

Six years later, in 2015, Google revealed that

the number of mobile searches had surpassed those conducted on desktop computers.

This figure is steadily rising.

According to the most recent data,

mobile devices accounted for 61% of all Google searches in 2019.

Because of mobile’s now dominant position in search,

Google created the “Accelerated Mobile Pages” (AMP) initiative.

This effort aims to encourage website owners to design a mobile theme that,

On top of their responsive mobile theme,

adheres to a very tight set of development and performance criteria.

Although many site owners and SEOs moan about having to focus on page speed and

AMP on top of the other 200+ ranking variables that already give them difficulties,

Page speed is a worthwhile effort for site owners to make.

Google performed research in 2017 and

the results more than justified their efforts on making the web quicker.

They discovered that “as page load time grows from one second to ten seconds,

The likelihood of a mobile site user bouncing increases by 123 percent.”

Page speed became a ranking element for mobile searches in July 2018, and
Google is now including even more speed-related variables (named Core Web Vitals)
Into its ranking algorithms.

With the average human attention span shortening all the time and our dependency

On mobile devices increasing all the time, there is no doubt that page speed is,

And will continue to be, an extremely essential factor for website owners to consider.

How to optimize a website for speed
Think like a race car driver

Winning the page speed race is similar to winning a vehicle race.

To win a race with a car, you must ensure that your vehicle is as light and strong as
Feasible and that you negotiate the circuit as effectively as possible.

This comparison will be used to try to make page performance optimization approaches more clear.

Make it lightweight

Websites are more attractive and useful than ever before, but they are also larger than ever before.

Most current websites are akin to a party bus or limo.

They’re quite opulent, filled with all manner of luxuries, and hence HEAVY and SLOW.

With a party bus or limo, you will not win in the search engine “racetrack.”

You’ll appear cool, but you’ll lose.

Give it more power

You wouldn’t put a golf cart engine in a race vehicle, so why put your website on a dirt-cheap shared hosting plan?

If you’ve been on one of those plans for a long time, it may be difficult to spend more

Than a few dollars each month for hosting, but remember, golf cart against racing car engine: do you want to win this race or not?

Tens of thousands of websites are crammed onto a single server in traditional shared hosting services.

As a result, each site is left with insufficient computer capacity.


Page speed optimization is undoubtedly difficult and perplexing,

But it is a necessary component for achieving higher ranks.

As a website owner, you’re in this race whether you like it or not,

So do all you can to turn your website into a racing car rather than a golf cart!

You may contact Nummero since we are the best website development company in Bangalore.
